Then my name is not Rubindar! Well.I'm done here. if he doesn't hang this tailor kid upside down. Then what happen to you to will happen but. You guys are worried about your dresses And on top of that if Brij comes. But sister said it's necessary so i came. But where did he came from? Hey where is your father? oh, he is not well, so he couldn't come. So princess! DollY!! Yes? I had to get the alternation. Dolly bhabhi (sister in law) needed to get her dress alterned. You came alone? Where is Geet? How do I know? After school, I went straight to the tailor. Lets go? Yes Ohh, I completely forgot, we had to get sister-in-law Dolly's Dress!! Geet didi where are you going!? Someone is waiting for me!! But the Canada guy is coming to the house! I don't want to go to Canada shanada!! The spices are done? Yes Hey Rajji I told you to come from the other side, why did you come from here? I lost my mind. We just need to trust ourselves, and have a little patience. Rajji, during any difficulties if we search for a solution with a clear heart.we can find it. Oh wow didi, you fixed all the problems in a minute. You need to study, right? Well the Lodi is a night, do it in the evening. Stop! Rajji, if you worry so much, all your hair will turn white. He already doesn't like me going to school. Tell everyone? Then Veerjee will find out also. Why!? You think I'll fail!? Mom will tell everyone. There's a lodi at the house, how am I going to study? I'll fail for sure. What happened? Geet didi, I have a math test tomorrow and the teacher told me today. You seem like you are in big trouble, and these tears? They don't seem like tears from the spices. Hey, Why did you stop? Give me Gol Gappey! Rajji, you are eating Gol Gappey without any worry in the middle of the street. Stop!!! - I can't stop!!! Rajji! Mom!? Geet didi(sister). Then there is going to be a drama! HEYY!! Take care of the pidgeons!! They will aet all the food! 'She is gone to college.' Hey Geet! Where are you running to!? Listen, don't you want to go eat snacks at Raju's store? No, not today. What nonsense!!! What was the need to go to college? If garndfather(darjee) comes home before her.

She is gone to college, sometimes they have extra classes. She is been missing since the morning, where is the queen? You already know, sister-in-law. There will only be a yes if we see that spoiled one of yours. Just let them once say yes, and I don't need anything else. Today the boy's side is coming to see Geet for the first time. Just make sure there is nothing lacking in our girl. Let me GO! Please let me go Veerji!! It won't happen again! AAAAHHHH!!! GEEEEETTT!!! Where did Geet went? I don't see her? Sister-in-law, don't you think there isn't enough cinnamon in the spice? Rano, even if the spices are lacking a little it will still work. Catch her! Catch the girl! Run!! Hurry up!! Go faster!!! Catch her!!! That girl should't get away! Where is she!? She was right here!!! Veerji no, please let me go!! I'm begging you!! I know I made a mistake.